Wednesday, April 1, 2015

SABR Metrics Are Killing Baseball!

If you are anything like me, you are getting sick and tired of how the so called SABR-Metrics are polluting everything inside the game of baseball. I tried to read a simple article on the Chicago Cubs today on but I had to quit it in midstream due a complete blitz of SABR Metrics psychobabble. The writer who penned the piece was droning on about OPS+, ERA+, WAR and all that other mind rot (I almost forgot about FIP and BABIP, are you still with me?)

It's gotten to the point where I can't even watch MLB Network anymore. They just pound you with all this SABR nonsense until you feel like hurling a brick at the TV. What on earth does that stuff mean anyway? Who cares about walks? Is Joey Votto getting paid $25 million a year to walk? Are Ben Zobrist, Shin Soo Choo and Alex Gordon superstars? 

The old stat line of batting average, home runs and RBI's was just fine and told you all really needed to know. If a batter hit .300 or better, chances are he drew enough walks. All this OPS nonsense is as useful as another hole in the ozone layer. 

I'm also getting tired of hearing about Billy Beane and Andrew Friedman. Both of them have been dreadful in picking amateur talent and neither of them have ever won anything. 

SABR Metrics are nothing new, just look at the above photo. The Cubs tried a variation of this computer baseball in 1961 and it was a disaster. The game is played on the field not in some college boy bean counters' office suite.

SABR Metrics pusher Brian Kenny says wins by a pitcher don't matter. What did he say when Mr. WHIP/NL MVP Clayton Kershaw choked the chicken against the Cardinals for the second straight year? Show me a pitcher who is more concerned about ERA and WHIP than winning a ballgame and I'll show you a loser!

SABR Metrics have gotten to the point of total nausea. It's time take baseball away from the dorks and give it back to the fans!

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