Friday, October 9, 2015

"Same Old Cubs" Flop 4-0 In Game One Of NLDS Friday Night In St. Louis

What did you really expect? Did you really think the Cubs would go into St. Louis on Friday night and actually show up? Well, after Wednesday night's 4-0 Wild Card win in Pittsburgh, Cub fans could dream for a couple of days. Well, reality came calling Friday night and the Cubs did their usual no-show. When it's all said and done, the Cardinals know how to win and the Cubs know how to lose!

The 2015 Cubs are an incredibly flawed team that is put together like an American League SABR-Metrics club. They strike out way too much and when they don't hit home runs, they lose (plain and simple!) While Joe "The Genius" Maddon makes a fool out of himself with his high school rah rah antics, Cardinals' manager Mike Metheny remains quiet while putting his foot on Maddon's throat.

The Cubs made John Lackey look like Tom Seaver Friday. Meanwhile, free agent headcase Jon Lester pitched well in spots but like he always does, he gags when the going gets tough. Lester seems to always pitch good enough to lose (he's the second coming of Jeff Samardzija.) Lester looks like a beaten man when he's on the mound (he looks like he is about to have a nervous breakdown at any time.) The Cubs made a major mistake when they signed this guy.

I would be surprised if the Cubs won a single game in this series. They look like the same old bumbling Cubs that I have been watching since 1968. I have seen this movie before, I know how it ends (same shit, different year!)

So now I'm supposed to believe that Kyle Hendricks is going to save the day? This series is over. The Cubs need to do a major rethink in the off season. The Cardinals are a team of gamers that know how to score with or without home runs. The Cubs live by the home run and die by the home run.  

The Cubs really need to abandon this American League "keg ball" philosophy. As for Joe Maddon, he is real big on gimmicks and hype but more often than not doesn't get it done when the chips are on the table. Maddon was given a truckload of talent in 2015 (more talent than Rick Renteria could even dream about.) Still, the Cubs really need to learn how to play National League ball in the National League.

As I see it, The Cubs will lose another excruciating game on Saturday night. Then you will see a big circus show at Wrigley Field on Monday. The fans will be there with "We Still Believe" signs and the Cubs will reward them by going quietly in the night. I hope I'm wrong but like I said, I have seen this movie before!

Friday, October 9, 2015
at Busch Stadium, St. Louis, MO

Chicago Cubs (0-1) 0
at St. Louis Cardinals (1-0) 1

WP-St. Louis: John Lackey (1-0, 0.00)
LP-CUBS: Jon Lester (0-1, 3.68)

Home Runs: St. Louis-Tommy Pham (1), Steven Piscotty (1)

St. Louis leads best of 5 series (1-0)

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