Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jon Lester: $155 Million Dollar Bust!

There was a time when Cub free agent bust Jon Lester was considered a "big game" pitcher. But ever since Lester's meltdown in 2014's play wild card play in game against Kansas City, Jon Lester has had snakes in his head. The man looks so devoid of guts and confidence it's truly sickening.

Since becoming a Cub, Lester has spit the bit in every big game spot (starting with the Cubs' opening night loss to St. Louis.) Lester is the 2015 version of Barry Zito, a pitcher who simply falls apart after signing a big free agent contract. 

Sadly, the Cubs are stuck with Lester, as no team would be stupid enough to take on a one trick pony pitcher who can't even throw to first base (or any base for that matter.) If anything, Lester has illustrated how inferior American League DH ball is to National League's true baseball. In the AL, all of Lester's deficiencies were seemingly unnoticed. But in the NL, they stand out like  sore thumbs.

Lester's dismal performance in 2015, should shatter the Cubs' plans of chasing free agent to be David Price (another lefty who melts down in the post season.) 

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