Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Message To Cub Fans Everywhere: Don't Take The Bait!

The Cubs should invite Jim Qualls to all remaining games of the 2015 NLCS!

Tuesday night of this past week I did something very stupid, I began to take the bait again. I totally expected the Cubs to blow game 4 of the NLDS to the Cardinals and figured I would have to endure the Cards rubbing the Cubs' faces in it again, when they won game 5 in St. Louis.

But the Cubs actually found a way to win the game. I started to wonder if this Cub team might be different. I never bought into so-called "genius" manager Joe Maddon and his ego trips and high school antics. But the Cubs did win against the Pirates and then the Cardinals. So I willingly ate a dinner of crow and watched the Mets-Dodgers game 5 to see who the Cubs' opponent in the NLCS would be.

Along the way I secretly hoped the Cubs would be facing the New York Mets as it would be a real test to see if the Cubs could erase the hex of 1969. If the Cubs did manage to get to the World Series, it would be that much better if they did it by going through New York. (NOTE-the Cubs did beat out the Mets in pennant races in 1984 and 1989 but nobody really remembers them because the Cubs got shot down in the playoffs.)

Following the Cubs dismal three game sweep at the hands of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2008, I swore to myself that I would never take the bait from the Cubs again. But in the past few days I started thinking the Cubs really do have a shot this year and I started to take the bait again.

But Saturday night's listless performance by the Cubs brought me back to reality again. It showed me how poorly constructed team the Cubs are. They are like the Milwaukee Brewers of the early 80's and the Cleveland Indians of the mid 90's. They live by the home run and most likely they will die by the home run.

The Cubs looked like the same bumbling Cubs of yesteryear last night. Striking out all over the place, popping up to the infield and hitting weak ground balls. This team is put together like a fantasy team and has no ability to score runs without the long ball.

The Cubs will be playing right into the hands of the Mets strikeout heavy pitching staff in this series and that does not look good. Perhaps the Cubs should bat Tommy La Stella leadoff as he appears to be the only player on the team who does not swing for the fences. 

On the pitching side, Jon Lester stunk, plain and simple. You just knew he was going to blow it at the wrong time, you just knew. Joe Maddon's postgame assessment of Lester's performance was ridiculous. Lester has stunk in every big spot he was placed in this year, starting with opening day. 

After tonight's dismal showing by the Cubs I took a long walk in the cold night air and decided I simply am not going to take the bait again. I know this is going to hard because the Cubs are the ultimate tease. I'm expecting them to lose in 5 games, possibly 6 (of course I won't rule out a 4 game sweep by the Mets.)

I have no faith in this team at all after tonight's game. The Cubs are the NL version of the Houston Astros (one good pitcher, lots of homers and lots of strikeouts.) They are a SABR metrics keg ball team. 

I certainly hope I'm wrong and I will happily eat more crow If I am. But I think the Cubs joyride is over. They are an extremely flawed team that needs lots of changes in their offensive philosophy. 

I have watched this garbage since 1968 and it always has the same ending. As I said, I hope I'm wrong but this time around I'm not taking the bait.

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