Friday, May 8, 2015

Bryant Needs To Start Swinging The Damn Bat Instead Of Taking Walks!

(Swing the bat Kris it won't bite you)

Nothing drives me crazy more than these SABR Metrics geeks glowing about on base percentage all the time. The way the Cubs' TV crew talks, drawing walks is better than hitting doubles or home runs.

Drawing walks is fine for leadoff hitters or #2 hitters but guys who hit third and fourth are supposed to swing the damn bat, that's why they are paid the big money. There is certainly nothing wrong with a cleanup hitter drawing a walk if he's being pitched around. But Kris Bryant is taking things to the extreme. This guy hit 43 home runs in the minors last year and it looks like he's rather walk than drive runs in. At least Adam Dunn hit the ball out of the park on a regular basis. So far, all Bryant has done is walk, hit bloop singles and whiff!

This Joe Maddon led batting order is pure lunacy. Why stick an aggressive hitter like Addison Russell in the 9 hole? Russell looks like a future #3 hitter to me. As for Bryant, he needs to be much more aggressive as the season progresses or the Cubs are not going anywhere!

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