Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Renteria Not Impressive In The Early Going!

I know it's early but from where I sit it looks pretty clear that Rick Renteria is NOT the man who is going to take the Cubs to the next level. Renteria often looks like a deer in the headlights. He looks about as comfortable managing as Jose Veras looked on the mound in the ninth inning!

Renteria is constantly changing lineups and seems insistent on playing fourth outfielders like Ryan Kalish and Ryan Sweeney (players who are going exactly nowhere!) Renteria should have Mike Olt and Junior Lake in the lineup every day. Both players have had obvious struggles in 2014 but yanking them in and out of the lineup is counter productive. I can live with the Cubs losing games with young players but not with AAA retreads like Ryan Sweeney! We saw this shit last year with Dale Sveum. 

I don't have anything good to say about Rick Renteria. He looks like the second coming of Mike Quade. My prediction is he will not make it through the 2015 season. Then what?

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