Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Matt Garza Should Keep His Big Mouth Shut!

Maybe you caught Matt Garza ripping the Cubs left, right and center this weekend following the Cubs' series in Milwaukee. Garza should really keep his big trap shut as all he did as a Cub was sit on his losing ass on the disabled list. The guy should learn how to field a ground ball once in awhile.

The Cubs were lucky enough to get some useful prospects for his dead ass. Garza bombed in Texas and then wondered why nobody except the Brewers (who were desperate for pitching) even bothered to look at him on the free agent market. Let's face it, Garza is a hot head who is now on his fourth team (if he was so great why does he keep getting moved?)

If the Brewers do manage to win the division this year, you can bet Garza won't be around for it. He'll either be traded or be on the DL (or will perhaps be fighting with his teammates like he did in Tampa.) Keep your mouth shut Garza, you haven't won anything yet!

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