Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cubs Fans In Cincinnati Act Like Classless Idiots

It really must be said that a large part of the group of so-called Cub fans who invaded Cincinnati's Great American Ballpark on Tuesday and Wednesday have acted like classless buffoons. 

These clowns bounced into Cincinnati like the Cubs have just won the World Series and beat their chests like a bunch of total morons. Sure, it's easy to dump on a last place team that is obviously struggling big time right now. But these idiots waited until the Cubs pounded the Reds into submission before they broke out their asinine "let's go Cubbies" chants. First of all, they are the Cubs not the Cubbies, you stupid ESPN raised dickheads. Secondly, where were you clowns in 2010-2014 when the Cubs were the laughing stock of the National League? Strangely, your "let's go Cubbies" chants were nowhere to be found.

I have been a Cub fan since 1968 and I must admit these "fair weather" modern Cubs fans truly sicken me. How about showing some class until you actually win something!

What's truly ironic, is that these clowns in Cincinnati were acting just as stupid as the Royals' fans who invaded Wrigley Field on Monday night. Maybe it's a sign of the times, I really don't know. Maybe I'm getting old, but there used to be things like class and sportsmanship!

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