Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cubs Lose to Reds 3-2 in Rainy Cincinnati Tuesday Night

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Cincinnati Reds 3
Chicago Cubs 2
WP-Reds: Simon (4-1), Save-Broxton (5)
LP-Cubs: Samardzija (0-3)
HR-Reds: Hamilton (1)
Cubs record (8-17)

Renteria Not Impressive In The Early Going!

I know it's early but from where I sit it looks pretty clear that Rick Renteria is NOT the man who is going to take the Cubs to the next level. Renteria often looks like a deer in the headlights. He looks about as comfortable managing as Jose Veras looked on the mound in the ninth inning!

Renteria is constantly changing lineups and seems insistent on playing fourth outfielders like Ryan Kalish and Ryan Sweeney (players who are going exactly nowhere!) Renteria should have Mike Olt and Junior Lake in the lineup every day. Both players have had obvious struggles in 2014 but yanking them in and out of the lineup is counter productive. I can live with the Cubs losing games with young players but not with AAA retreads like Ryan Sweeney! We saw this shit last year with Dale Sveum. 

I don't have anything good to say about Rick Renteria. He looks like the second coming of Mike Quade. My prediction is he will not make it through the 2015 season. Then what?

Matt Garza Should Keep His Big Mouth Shut!

Maybe you caught Matt Garza ripping the Cubs left, right and center this weekend following the Cubs' series in Milwaukee. Garza should really keep his big trap shut as all he did as a Cub was sit on his losing ass on the disabled list. The guy should learn how to field a ground ball once in awhile.

The Cubs were lucky enough to get some useful prospects for his dead ass. Garza bombed in Texas and then wondered why nobody except the Brewers (who were desperate for pitching) even bothered to look at him on the free agent market. Let's face it, Garza is a hot head who is now on his fourth team (if he was so great why does he keep getting moved?)

If the Brewers do manage to win the division this year, you can bet Garza won't be around for it. He'll either be traded or be on the DL (or will perhaps be fighting with his teammates like he did in Tampa.) Keep your mouth shut Garza, you haven't won anything yet!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Rondon Looks Solid As Cubs Closer!

Cubs' new closer Hector Rondon looked fantastic during the 9th inning of the Cubs win at Milwaukee Sunday. Rondon struck out the side in the 9th and looked fearsome. It's clear that the Jose Veras experiment didn't work. Veras looked totally incapable of handling the 9th inning role. The Cubs just might have found their man in Rondon.

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Cubs-Reds Rained Out Monday Night!

No makeup date has been announced as yet

Friday, April 11, 2014

Cubs Bullpen Melts Down Again Thursday

The Cubs bullpen imploded again Thursday afternoon in Chicago with a 5-4 loss to the Pirates. Where is Kevin Gregg these days?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cubs Bullpen Melts Down Again, Cubs lose in 16 innings to Pirates!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 
(PNC Park, Pittsburgh, PA)

Pirates 4
Cubs 3 16 innings

WP-Pitt. Pimentel (1-0)
LP-Cubs-Villanueva (0-2)

HR Cubs: Rizzo (1)

Cubs record (0-2)

Cubs Lineup On Wednesday Confusing?

I had thought the Cubs were rebuilding? Then why was Wednesday's Cub lineup eerily similar to Dale Sveum's lineup the last two years. Haven't we seen enough of 4th and 5th outfield types like Ryan Sweeney, Ryan Kalish? I thought Mike Olt won the third base job? In my opinion this season was for getting at bats for players like Olt and Lake and others. Instead we got the same old tired lineup of proven losers. Why is the point of this?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bonifacio Impresses In Opening Day Loss

I was very impressed with the play of new Cub Emilio Bonifacio on opening day against the Pirates. I know it's only one game but Bonifacio looked dynamic in every facet of the game. The Cubs haven't had a lead off hitter like him since Kenny Lofton. I think it's time for the Darwin Barney era to be terminated (the guy is an automatic out!)

Cubs Drop Opener In 10 Innings to Pirates 1-0

Pittsburgh Pirates 1
Chicago Cubs 0
10 innings
WP-Pittsburgh: Morris 1-0
LP-Cubs: Villanueva 0-1

HR-Walker Pitt (1)

Cubs record (0-1)